About Db
The bags, backpacks, travel bags and suitcases designed by Db can be found in the online shop. In addition to pockets, Db offers special products such as the winter-festive igloo or the Hojj bicycle.
You can reach the online shop of Db under the URL: https://dbjourney.com/That says Db about:
Award-winning backpacks and bags. Db is a Scandinavian brand that makes clever backpacks and bags. The recent start-up, Oslo based brand, uses their patented design approach to make some of the best products on the market
Secure shopping at Db
The Db Onlineshop was analyzed by us on its safety and privacy policy. We have found several clues that speak for his harmlessness and would shop there without concerns.
- The website of Db contains an SSL certificate. This means that an encrypted secure connection is used.
- Contains the legal obligations in the imprint with publisher data of the website
- A note for cookies and the use of personal data takes place at the first visit.
- A particularly clear data protection banner on which cookies can be rejected or accepted.
- A mandatory privacy policy is present and data storage information is listed.
- We have found more than one industry book entry from Db.
- There is at least one entry from Db in a social media network.
Business Directory entries of Db
We have found some industry book entries from Db. Most of these industry booking providers give users the opportunity to deliver evaluation via Db.
Contact options with Db
There are these contact options with Db:
Shop Headquarters
Db Equipment
Mølleparken 2
0459 Oslo
More Posts by Db
Frequently asked questions about the online shop of Db
Is the purchase at Db safe?
Yes, the security of the data is protected. An encrypted connection is used with a current SSL certificate. -
Is the online shop of Db a fake shop?
No, definitely not. We have analyzed the Db Onlineshop and can confirm that it is a reputable online shop. -
How can I complain with Db a defective product?
Complaints should always be displayed before returning. Either you call the customer service of Db on or even better, you write an e-mail. Describe the problem or malfunction in your e-mail. If you are able to add photos of damage. Then wait first for 2-3 days on the reaction of Db.